Wesley's blog

Add SSL/TLS cert on WordPress site with Amazon Lightsail

It is always a good idea to add an extra layer of security to protect the data for our website. **In addition, starting from August 2014, HTTPS website ranks closer to the top of search results compared to website that only uses HTTP.

In this post, I am going to share how simple it is to add SSL/TLS certificates to your WordPress website.

  1. Login to Amazon Web Service console and navigate to “Amazon Lightsail” service.
  2. Click on the WordPress instance, and select configure instance.
  3. Add “domain” for both root domain and sub-domain, for example: 9ice.cloud (root domain) and www.9ice.cloud (sub-domain).
  4. DNS Zone, select “Third party manage DNS” if you use Amazon Route 53 to manage all the DNS record.
  5. Select the static IP address that created for the WordPress website.
  6. Select SSL/TLS checkbox and click on submit.

AWS will auto generate SSL/TLS certificates for the domain, validate the certificate and attached it to the domain. This will take a couple of minutes to complete the process.

All traffics that hit the WordPress website is now encrypted using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) as screenshot below:

Hope this helps.

Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lightsail/latest/userguide/understanding-tls-ssl-certificates-in-lightsail-https.html?icmpid=docs_console_unmapped


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