It is always a good idea to add an extra layer of security to protect the data for our website. **In addition, starting from August 2014, HTTPS website ranks closer to the top of search results compared to website that only uses HTTP.
In this post, I am going to share how simple it is to add SSL/TLS certificates to your WordPress website.
- Login to Amazon Web Service console and navigate to “Amazon Lightsail” service.
- Click on the WordPress instance, and select configure instance.
- Add “domain” for both root domain and sub-domain, for example: (root domain) and (sub-domain).
- DNS Zone, select “Third party manage DNS” if you use Amazon Route 53 to manage all the DNS record.
- Select the static IP address that created for the WordPress website.
- Select SSL/TLS checkbox and click on submit.
AWS will auto generate SSL/TLS certificates for the domain, validate the certificate and attached it to the domain. This will take a couple of minutes to complete the process.
All traffics that hit the WordPress website is now encrypted using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) as screenshot below:
Hope this helps.